Leedon Lower School


Leedon Lower School is a County Community Lower School which provides education for all pupils from the age of four to nine years. From September 2008 there will be one intake into Early Years. Children will have three terms in Foundation Stage before they enter Year 1 when they are 5. They transfer to middle school in the September after their ninth birthday.

Our school is situated on Highfield Road and is made up of a large single storey building plus five additional classrooms within and around the school grounds. We have an independent playgroup on site occupying a double mobile unit. In all, our school provides good accommodation for 300 full time equivalent children and have had a nurture group since October 2007.

We have eight well resourced classrooms and a large well equipped Early Years Unit with its own playground. In the main part of the building we have a large hall that is used for indoor P.E., extra curricular activities, assemblies and concerts, and which also acts as a dining hall during lunch break. The school is fortunate to have an additional double classroom unit that we use as a training room, performing arts studio and for music lessons.

Our school grounds include a well stocked pond and environmental area for topic work. Our swimming pool has been converted into a garden including raised beds for planting, a shop and group teaching area.

We have a small farm with 20 chickens, 3 pigs and 2 goats - we are hoping to add some sheep to our small holding in the autumn term. The children have a large grassy area to play on, which is used during the summer months, as well as two playgrounds which are used all year round.

Within school we have a library area which has been refurbished and restocked. We have a wide selection of books – both fiction and non fiction as well as tapes. The children are encouraged to use the library as an additional learning resource where they can research topics, find out for themselves and begin to access their own learning.


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